What's A "Soft" Or "Hard" Reset, And How To Do Them

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NOTE: Please stop your server prior to following the steps to this article.

"Soft" And "Hard" Resets? What're Those?

A "Soft" reset is a reset of the game world, deleting the world map save, player data, and basic gameplay components, such as loot and zombies/bodies.

A "Hard" reset is a complete reinstall of the game on the server.

How Do I Do A Soft Reset?

We have developed a custom commandline to do this for you, so it's rather easy.

To do this, we need to go to the game/server panel and log into it.

Screenshot 2015-08-29 18.08.02.png

Now we need to go to the Commandline Manager

Commandline Manager

Screenshot 2015-08-29 18.10.12.png

As you can see, we have this nifty commandline called "Softreset" so we need to select that commandline.

Screenshot 2015-08-29 18.10.24.png

Now all we need to do is go back to the main server panel menu, and start the server.

Start the server, let it run for a couple minutes 10 minutes should do, then stop it.

Go back to "Commandline Manager"

Commandline Manager

Then, reselect the commandline you had before starting the soft reset

Screenshot 2015-08-29 18.10.12.png

After that, you're good to go!